Monday, June 30, 2008

Men blooming?

Interesting comment- why can men not bloom?
It seems funny to me that in 'person' men do not discuss the emotional part of their lives- but in anonymity of the Internet they seem to need and want to...... (maybe one of the reasons men and women are having such a hard time with each other)
However, many men I know do harbour secret fantasies- ( not that kind- that is another blog) rock-star, moviestar fantasies..... why not live them out now?
Why not go back to what your dreams where when you were young and try to revamp them?
Was the goal of your life really to be a mechanic, corporate exec-- do you feel still left out?
Yes, I think men can bloom- even though the word itself may have feminine connotations.

Friday, June 27, 2008


aha! Okay did you bloom? Did you wither? Are you a grown-up?Do you want to be a grown-up?

Me, I have been a grown-up and actually it kinda sucks-- time to grow-down and bloom!

Fun- this getting older is very freeing in many ways- another chance to grow- down and bloom!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Never Bloomers!
This quiz is way too fun=- even for us old and jaded folks--- try it--- and maybe you too will find some way to rebloom!

What women really want

Million dollar saphire and diamond shoes- yuhoo!

Browsing through this months Oprah magazine- I came upon an interesting article
Men and women and how to tell them apart'
basically the article was what women want and what men want--
"'Women want men to know what women want. And men want women not to want anything.'
That is the premise-- women want things that are hard to get- to prove the men love them, respect them and will go to great lenghts for them.
Men, if they give something that is easy to give- women do not feel treasured, and hence then the man will have to hunt and forage for something truly rare to make up for the slight of giving something rather mundane.... causing the woman to feel mundane!
The article goes on the say- if you want to impress your woman you need to find a rare lily that has not been seen on the earth since the time of Cleopatra!
Voila- simple !
Men, on the other hand want women that will think everything they do, like eating left over Indian food from the container, with the fridge door open- using their fingers to pick the bits out of the take out container, in the worn underwear--- and to hear their woman - sigh. She thinking he is the most impressive man on the planet!
There- simple- we will never come to terms on this----however I suppose if you clone the rare lily just for her- she may allow you some middle of the night finger eating out of the containers- just make sure the lights are highlighting the rare lily you created only for her amusement!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Interesting situation

Why is it women continue to be so- well 'bitchy' to one another?
It seems like the ugliness of 8th grade will never go away for some women- they seem so upset with women that are better looking- more talented, stay home, work- are richer - or poorer then they are-!
Why and what is the competition about- we understand it is for men when women are young- they want to pro-create with the best mate and want no competition-- but why is it that after the time of pro-creating women are still so god damn nasty?
any ideas?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Why am I single
Great on-line debate about single- and why- and men and women- and well= It seems we really do not like each other any more- once/twice burned- three times shy.... no-one wants to share, time, resources, work load- and what all the goodies just for themselves-- Guess that is why we are all single--

Thursday, June 12, 2008

ah the mid-life crisis!

You give up your career dreams to stay home and raise husbands and kids and end up mid 40's with no husband ( not always that bad) kids grown up and now you feel as lost as you where when you where in your early 20's -trying to figure what to do with your life.
Most of us- even at 20 'sold out' our fantasy lives for well paying careers, law- medicine =whatever, and never perused the real dream- actor, fashion designer, interior designer-- now here we are again!
Except now we are older, still wanting the dream, perhaps saddled with debt, mortgages, the fear of being old with no money- poverty was part of the 'fun' when we were young and starting out! Poverty does not seem so romantic at mid 40 - or the thought of poverty when we are 70!
Jumping off the boat- selling and moving to a hut in Mexico seems romantic now- running away like we would of done when we were 20- hitchhiking around the globe. But, back then we knew we would have to 'join society' at some point, come back and make our fortunes!
Now, some of us have our fortunes, are still 'empty', some of us middle class suffering the money woes after raising kids, and husbands, singles and struggling----
any ideas anyone out there?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Interesting chat in the Globe

I find the chatter and dialogues on the globe and mail rather interesting-- and confusing- hence this blog!
Men seem to think that women only want money- I can see where and why women would want money- but most I know have their own at this age....Women think men still only want a young sex pot--!
So, while we have rather fun fantasies, most of us really want someone that thinks we are the cat's meow- that is our equal intellectually, compatible sex and money wise, makes us laugh and makes us feel terrific when we are around them...... large diamonds, real estate and long legs and blond hair are the extras! Right?
So, again what is the big problem- other then, I think, after we do get to a certain age we are jaded, scared with scars, and are more comfortable in our own skins and more experienced in what we want. In our youth our tastes were not so developed so cheap wine would do- as we get older and more experienced we prefer better wine (not always more expensive- but now we know 'good' wine when we taste it)
take care, cheers and chat later

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

sex and the city

Guys, what do some men have the problem with this movie? It is simply girl fluff and clothes.

Some of us girls don't get the monster truck, arm-chair sportsman, golf watching beer drinking thing- so why cant we have our 'stuff' without guilt?

any comments would be great!