Monday, June 30, 2008

Men blooming?

Interesting comment- why can men not bloom?
It seems funny to me that in 'person' men do not discuss the emotional part of their lives- but in anonymity of the Internet they seem to need and want to...... (maybe one of the reasons men and women are having such a hard time with each other)
However, many men I know do harbour secret fantasies- ( not that kind- that is another blog) rock-star, moviestar fantasies..... why not live them out now?
Why not go back to what your dreams where when you were young and try to revamp them?
Was the goal of your life really to be a mechanic, corporate exec-- do you feel still left out?
Yes, I think men can bloom- even though the word itself may have feminine connotations.


Anonymous said...

I think men and women want the same things - we all want to feel like we are living lives that are meaningful.
The real difference that I saw during my interviews for my film was that men tended to feel good about not feeling like "grownups" while women often felt badly about it.

Anonymous said...

interesting thought, I know men like to feel young at heart, this keeps us more alive, and hopefully fun and funny and living life to the fullest; as for women, they shouldn't but maybe they do other things to feel more, I don't know as I am but a mirror man,

Chanel said...

what is a 'mirror man'?

Anonymous said...

sorry, that was to be mere

Chanel said...

okay- thanks now what was the rest of comment supposed to mean? sorry, but you do express yourself in a rather difficult manner to follow.