Saturday, July 19, 2008

hmmmmm middle aged women!

What is it with women- that many seem to stay stuck in the middle grades- 7-9?
I read recently that in seniors' homes the women still gossip about what other women wear, who they see and what they do! What is with this?
Gosh darn and more words- I could care less what another woman wears, even the young ones with the nice bods- shoot ladies wear what you can while you can- Enjoy life- enjoy your body, enjoy your youth!
Recently I had the experience of a lady about my own age- unleash on me about some issues-- I think she thought I had wanted to upset her- and that was the furthest from my intentions. I did not have time to explain as I could not get a word in--then I thought- let's practice manners and being polite- and taking a cue from Eckhart Tolle- I decided to breathe.
Perhaps she needed to vent and I was there- the insults were way out of line, and the sound of two slamming doors as I left beyond belief--why?
I did not share insults with this lady- thinking she must be having a bad day- and I went about mine- but the thought lingers- why all this anger?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Interesting conundrum

Okay- I have had this conversation way too many times in the last few weeks.
Women over 40 not wanting a realtionship- men over 40 wanting one!
Is it because women having raised husbands and children- caring for everyone but themselves- including a career, finally just want to take care of themselves?
Then men get upset and say we are too selfish.
Men, spend their youth having fun and taking care of themselves (and pay for the family) then want some sex, companionship - and us old birds- having been the caregiver- want someone to take care of us.
The men used to being taken care of by ex-wives- now realize they want more of that but do not realize- or now maybe do- the first wife- or wives- left because they (the wife) was not being romanced, respected and loved.....
Hmmm. women want respect, romance, flowers, dinners out---- then that makes us gold-diggers! Or if not interested in a relationship makes us miserable old women.....
any ideas?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Late Night desserts

Now that we are all on the other side of 40-- why is that we do not enjoy the indulgences that our age allow?
Late night deserts at a fancy restuarant- late afternoon slices of pie and champagne?
I personally am killing myself just trying not to gain anymore weight- and man--- sometimes would it not just be nice to enjoy?
Maybe when I am 70---darn chocolate, strawberries and champagne in bed- with the tummy covered-- opps that is getting into the other blog again......
Guess perhaps lux and romance is the question--