On a recent globe and mail article it was noted that women are not aroused mentally and physically by the same things- duh!
Then I realized that what was interesting me was the man in the Ikea kitchen commercial- coming home and caring on about -in his Italian accent- how he was going to make his wife feel like a woman again by cooking for her! yupper- that will get our attention and get you what you
That night I had my first-- fantasy dream- a good looking dark haired man was standing back admiring a wall freshly painted in my home. ..... I was so happy.
Then- as you know how dreams are-- I knew that he had also fixed other things in my house- and knew there was more to be done!
I was in love---- had he been a 'real man'-- he would of got some 'pie' with his dinner, his beer/wine that night.
Women still get turned on by men 'rescuing' them in some way- being kind, the knight on the white horse....
So, how boring am I - that is the closest I have ever come to having a 'fantasy dream'-- but what a man!
Then I realized that what was interesting me was the man in the Ikea kitchen commercial- coming home and caring on about -in his Italian accent- how he was going to make his wife feel like a woman again by cooking for her! yupper- that will get our attention and get you what you
That night I had my first-- fantasy dream- a good looking dark haired man was standing back admiring a wall freshly painted in my home. ..... I was so happy.
Then- as you know how dreams are-- I knew that he had also fixed other things in my house- and knew there was more to be done!
I was in love---- had he been a 'real man'-- he would of got some 'pie' with his dinner, his beer/wine that night.
Women still get turned on by men 'rescuing' them in some way- being kind, the knight on the white horse....
So, how boring am I - that is the closest I have ever come to having a 'fantasy dream'-- but what a man!
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