I had the greatest weekend I have had in a long time. One of the highlights was my brother's 50th Birthday party.
In attendance a colorful collection of boys that had 'mis-spent youths', 'boys' now all around 50!
Amazing! I could not believe looking at my brother that this was the boy that took me on the back of the little lawn tractor to the back 40 to catch frogs. Which we brought back to my grandparents farm house, built 'houses' for them and could not figure out how they escaped in the night. The same little boy that played in the sandbox with me building farms and roads, painted my playhouse every summer, hid under my bed to scare me when I went to bed, and of course threw my teddy on the roof!
Most of the friends there he/I had known since he was 16 when we moved to this city. The sexy bad boy that had long blond ringlets is now bald- still sexy as hell in a Bruce Willis way..... most are a tad heavier, most have hair, and most have not really changed that much!
It was the comment from one on his 'goatee' that he could not let it get too long or the grey overpowered it that set off the conversation!
"Yeah, I know. This grey hair"
"Ah, just shave your head!
"Nope, I use the dye for men"
I almost fell over! Here are men I have known for years talking about dying their hair. Who knew!
One commented most about his beard... I did not have the guts to tell him I knew what he was talking about..... I have one grey hair that grows out of the side of my chin and I swear it grows overnight, in one night- to about an inch and a half and is the thickness of a small tree!
Nope, I kept the fact that I understood his beard situation to myself.
So guys -yup some of us girls have the grey beard hairs too!
Happy Birthday big brother- I am still in training for 50 and hopefully by then will have my grey chin hair under control!
Domination and submission versus s and m
It came to my attention recently with a male friend who is interested in
masochism and submission- hint BIG DIFFERENCE
from wikopedia- I could not link- pe...
15 years ago
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