ah- the middle aged man- who complains about us bitter middle-aged women......
It seems to me that the middle aged man is much more desperate to find a woman than the middle aged woman is to find a man......
Guys- if you want a middle-aged woman lets look at a few facts and rules
1) do not meet her for coffee and whine about your ex, your relationship, your sick parents- she is actually looking to have some fun, light lively chatter-- try to act happy.
2) Upon meeting her for coffee remember it is the first time you have taken her out- do not complain about how the 'other women' wanted expensive dinners etc- while you have a $1.20 coffee at Timmies----
3) Jeesh- dating at 40+ is no different than dating at 20- guys you want the girl to like her- treat her like you like her not like she is at the inquisition.
Women- most are not about to jump into bed with you on the first- or even third date... that is simply the way it is.
You have to impress us and give us a reason to see you again-- and that is not made by running down all the other women you have seen, telling us how wonderful you are- or acting as though we are your personal shrinks- leave the shrink work to the shrinks- act nice, friendly and kind with us----
jeesh- we have enough of our own problems - we do not want to hear about yours- try to solve them or feel we are sitting across the table from someone with more problems then we need to add to our lives.
Perhaps lastly- if you have so many problems- save all of us and solve your problems first- get divorced, solve the money problems, get happy before you try to date.
If you want a nice happy girl- be a nice happy guy that she would want to hang out with!
It seems to me that the middle aged man is much more desperate to find a woman than the middle aged woman is to find a man......
Guys- if you want a middle-aged woman lets look at a few facts and rules
1) do not meet her for coffee and whine about your ex, your relationship, your sick parents- she is actually looking to have some fun, light lively chatter-- try to act happy.
2) Upon meeting her for coffee remember it is the first time you have taken her out- do not complain about how the 'other women' wanted expensive dinners etc- while you have a $1.20 coffee at Timmies----
3) Jeesh- dating at 40+ is no different than dating at 20- guys you want the girl to like her- treat her like you like her not like she is at the inquisition.
Women- most are not about to jump into bed with you on the first- or even third date... that is simply the way it is.
You have to impress us and give us a reason to see you again-- and that is not made by running down all the other women you have seen, telling us how wonderful you are- or acting as though we are your personal shrinks- leave the shrink work to the shrinks- act nice, friendly and kind with us----
jeesh- we have enough of our own problems - we do not want to hear about yours- try to solve them or feel we are sitting across the table from someone with more problems then we need to add to our lives.
Perhaps lastly- if you have so many problems- save all of us and solve your problems first- get divorced, solve the money problems, get happy before you try to date.
If you want a nice happy girl- be a nice happy guy that she would want to hang out with!
good advise, but it sounds like he is looking for the "quickie" fix, find out all that he can and see how you are and hope/try to see more!
this goes both ways too
yes, anon, I agree- but this blog is from a female perspective-- and the advice given is to help men not render them ballless.
So, if you want a terrfic wonderful woman and you are not laden down with jewels and cash- I guess you have to have something to offer as well.... some men have this silly idea that women over 40 are desperate to clean houses and wash your 'skid marks' out of your shorts just to have a man-- wake up!
Sorry, if we do want a man - he has to be something worth wanting.
I just wanna make my mom happy as she is included with those women who are over forty but as women improve with age I need to get some tips to make her happy and I really appreciate your above tips.
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