Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cougar or MILF?

The other day I received an e-mail from another woman blogger- screaming about the use of the word MILF- and it was the most vile thing in the world- and MILF's are the most vile of all women! Interestingly (a word) is this woman hosts a blog for Cougars!
Okay.. me truly confused--- she hosts a site for Cougars on how cool, confident etc they are- I actually thought that was kinda cool as she was turning an ugly phrase into something good---
but then why slam MILF's?
This seems like the old debate about working mom's and stay-at-home mom's.
Shot- can a women not be a Cougar an a MILF-- actually before I read her blog I though Cougars were older women on the prowl for young guys.... (which any of you that know me know that eliminates me from the cougar pack).
MILF's-- are simply - hot mommas------- (no reference to their prowling nature)
So, which is better- MILF or COUGAR-- and what are your definitions?


Anonymous said...

milf, mothers I like to, If I was a women, I not sure which I would like to be, guess it would depend on my mood, or is it not much of a complement either/iether way?

Chanel said...

I agree-- I think both are rather crude-- why is men seem to want to label women all the time?
Whore,slut,gold-digger, cougar, milf-- us women do not have labels like that for men...??

rockindel1 said...

Call me a DILF if you like
Im OK with it ...REALLY
doesnt have to be true, I'll be
it wont hurt my feelings
go ahead treat me like a sex object
(oops was that my outside voice?)

Chanel said...

Hey, that is cute- let's coin it''' DILF's-- I like that !

Theo Vito said...

MILF or cougar, it's all in the attitude, baby!

The only differences I can discern are that the whole idea of the "cougar" is that she's more aggressive and is drawn to men much younger than herself.

But who needs labels anyway?

Like rockindell said above, sure, g'head, call me a DILF. Doesn't bother me in the least... actually, it's a compliment!

Why are people in such a hurry to pull their hair-trigger "I'm offended" routine? It's kinda, well, boring...

Anonymous said...

It's all just about the shaggable quality from each others point of view.
Your right Theo Vito, just labels

Chanel said...

thanks- hence why I deleted the link to the 'cougar site'-she was so offended by the milk label -- made me thing she was an angry bitter 'woman of a certain age' that men no longer found 'shaggable' due to her attitude.

Theo Vito said...

"made me thing (think?) she was an angry bitter 'woman of a certain age' that men no longer found 'shaggable' due to her attitude."

Funny that this comes up. I've got a friend who is in danger of turning into one of those women. On the surface, she's got it all: very attractive, financially stable, nice smile, HOT body... but as soon as she opens her mouth a stream of vitriol spews forth on everything from people she works with to men in general. She's unfortunately developing one of those, "It's all about ME, all the time!" attitudes and is damn near choking on her estrogen.

I mean, sure, be confident in who you are; that's all good and it's also attractive. But putting others down behind their back is hardly an appealing quality. Makes me wonder what she says about me when I'm not around...

Chanel said...

Theo, so true! loved the line -choking on here estrorgen!
I think that is the main reason - men look for 'younger' women- it is the women of a certain age that just become old craggy miserable farts-- and who wants to be around them?
You can still be fun,exciting and a touch wonky after 40- have some fun!
I know so many women like that- not my friends of course- but then we are 'the bad girls'.