Tuesday, July 7, 2009

michael jackons- and giving up your children

Okay- Ms. R owe does not sound like a possible contender for best mother of the year BUT
being a child of a 'birth mother' that gave up her kids because she did not think she would be a good mother....Does giving up your kids so they can have a chance of a better life make you a 'bad mother'.
When you find out - your kids are having a horrible life- and you decide to fight to get them back-- should your previous concept of giving them up to 'have a better life' -still exist?
Obviously- for me, Debbie Rowe should not have her kids-- but she gave them 'up' believing they would have a good life.
Now that. that is in shambles maybe- just maybe- she wants to step up to plate.......... again though------------ maybe once a woman gives up her kids she is always not going to be 'a good mother"
Just my rantings--- and for any new comers- I never gave up my son!
(But my mother did give us up)Hence my questions.

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