Great idea- thanks Vito!
This is not my area- trust me anyone knows that me and money do not like each other very much! Every time I have any- I do anything I can to get rid of it!
However, on a more serious note... what do we do now?
Many of us have lost a well-paying position... many of us have 'careers' that no longer work in the new 'business world'... we are 'redundant' as the British say.
Our nest egg is deleted-- and that is the ones that had a nest egg!
I had a nest egg years ago- and fully paid house, then the unexpected happened! My son had a serious brain injury, I did not 'work' my business to take care of him, there-fore did not make any money, spent what I had and almost declared bankruptcy!
So, life happens (son is doing very well and it was all worth it).
I have now more experience than many of you with poverty living--- I like to be ahead of the trends!
This will be an interesting time for many. Lots of folks have gotten into the habit of judging potential mates based on their wallet (I have not had this problem for years- the 'good' guys did not seem interested in an almost bankrupt middle-aged woman that gave everything up to help her brain-injured kid recover)
See, I know! Men like women that have as much cash as themselves- esp. as they get older. Not to worry- women want men that have more cash than themselves as they get older. The scales are still 'balanced' here.
So, now we get to have all sorts of new opportunities, find new careers, find new ways to live- discover new values!
Please folks if you have great financial ideas, creative ways to stretch a dollar, invest -please step in here! Like I said me and money have not had a great long-term relationship! I always find ways to get rid of it!
PS= I KNOW some of you guys reading my blog have financial experience- please care to share?
My long term plan- as my family knows- is to sell everything- retro fix a few train containers and move to Mexico! Paint, ride a bike into the village, learn spanish, live like a boho----!
Domination and submission versus s and m
It came to my attention recently with a male friend who is interested in
masochism and submission- hint BIG DIFFERENCE
from wikopedia- I could not link- pe...
15 years ago
Two days ago I lost a very dear friend to cancer.
She was one of those delightful people with a quick smile and a warm embrace, razor-sharp and a good provider to her 11-year-old daughter.
And she was pretty financially astute as well. She had done all the right things: invested regularly, paid herself first, kept her debt to a minimum and all the rest.
Granted, she - like so many of us (me included) - took a hit over the past year as the value of her investments plummeted. But she was quick to point out that these things do tend to go in cycles, and for every downturn there will eventually be an upturn.
Then came the diagnosis, the failed treatments, the heartbreak, the desperate attempts at so-called "natural" healing and, two days ago, death.
Perhaps she should have spent it all and enjoyed her resources.
I don't know. But it certainly is giving me pause for thought.
My dearest condolences on your lost..... I truly do understand....
Years, years ago I lost my best friend- soul mate 'twin sister' to cancer. She was a crazy wild spitited girl (my brother actually called me the good twin!).
She was my bestest friend- but having said that she value money and the 'stuff' it bought very much!
She left me her 'everythings' saying to me one day while she laid on my sofa--- "You have worked so hard all your life and you have nothing".
Even as she said it, while I did not own fancy jewellery or artwork-- I did not feel poor. I had choosen to care for my son, and that costs loads of money.
Shortly after that comment- she looked at me -while we were both processing-- and said "It is only stuff"
That was the saddest thing I had ever heard. Here was this beautiful (Shania Twain beautiful) girl, dying, and she finally realized the 'stuff' she had been chasing all her life- was 'worthless' in the end.
I enjoy her 'stuff' and long for 'stuff' but I do realize that in the end 'stuff' is just 'stuff'.
However food and chocolate do not fall into that category-- What I would not give for one of those uber expensive dolled up dinners I used to go to in my younger years!
(The same ones I often did not appreciate!).
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