Saturday, June 27, 2009

MIchael Jackson

I know and sorry but I just cant help myself... I am not sure what is more shocking to me _ that Michael was addicted to drugs (yes, honestly I was surprised) or the brutal reality he was 50!
WHAT--- how the heck did Michael Jackson become 50? You know what that means?

That means we are all OLD! If pop-stars like Michael get to be 50- and we have followed him most of our lives- gosh darn and other words- we are old!

I know this is drivel- but still that is what is getting to me the most- Micheal Jackson was 50!


terbear55 said...

How can you "be surprised he was a drug addicted", it's been rather well documented. Also. consider he's totally out of this world behavior.
You know he was older than you when he was a star with he's brothers, don't you remember?

Chanel said...

Nah- never got the point through me he was involved in painkilling drugs. Sure, I knew he behavour was weird but between being a genius, famous since he was five and being raised by his sick father any kid will grow up wierd.
So his behaviour I just passed off as the result of his strange life.
Yes, I know- logically- we was older than me- just not something I really thought about- just like gosh I am almost 50-- still really does not seem to sink in.
Hence-= this is our mid-life- get out and do what YOU want to do---- of course after raising the kids and all that.
I am in dreamland- in a few years my son will finally leave the nest and I am not sure what I am going to do- but live some life is on the agenda!
Maybe travel the world with a knapsack for a year or two???