Okay guys, we have done enough female bashing on this issue.
Question for you...
How come you never hear the same complaints from women?
"He only wants to be my friend?"
Cause, men will 'do' just about anyone- that is why. Then the girl gets left with a broken heart and the guy moves on.
But- you guys are giving us girls such a hard time if we only want to be friends. That, I think is not the real issue- I think the real issue is.... You guys get pissed when the girl won't put out for you!
She is putting out for other guys or guy - but not you.
Most of the time, I am betting here- you don't really want her anyway for the long haul. You are just pissed cause you are not gonna get any action from her and your 'masculine feelings are being kept in control by a 'girl'.
I think that is the real issue---.
So, who is the bigger 'dog'... the girls who are not interested in you and are honest-- or the guys that just want to notch their belt and are being shut out. Honestly- you mostly just want the notch- not the girl.
Question for you...
How come you never hear the same complaints from women?
"He only wants to be my friend?"
Cause, men will 'do' just about anyone- that is why. Then the girl gets left with a broken heart and the guy moves on.
But- you guys are giving us girls such a hard time if we only want to be friends. That, I think is not the real issue- I think the real issue is.... You guys get pissed when the girl won't put out for you!
She is putting out for other guys or guy - but not you.
Most of the time, I am betting here- you don't really want her anyway for the long haul. You are just pissed cause you are not gonna get any action from her and your 'masculine feelings are being kept in control by a 'girl'.
I think that is the real issue---.
So, who is the bigger 'dog'... the girls who are not interested in you and are honest-- or the guys that just want to notch their belt and are being shut out. Honestly- you mostly just want the notch- not the girl.
First of all, there's no female bashing going on. They are observations, not judgements.
But to your point, though: "How come you never hear the same complaints from women?"
Ummm... well, women DO complain about being "friend-zoned." It may not be as common as a guy getting slammed into the "friend" dungeon, but yes, it does happen.
I personally have a number of women friends, none of which I am interested in sleeping with (most of them are married anyway). And I really like their counsel, their wisdom, their quirkiness and even, yes, their flakiness. It adds colour.
Where we (as men) have trouble with being "friend-zoned" is that when we're interested in more than a friendship and wish to get to know the woman on a deeper, more meaningful level, but she shuts it down. Based on what? Could be anything: not enough money, not hot enough, just not attracted, etc etc. The list goes on and on and on (but in the vast majority of cases, the excuses revolve around money and physical appearance)...
And when a guy hears that from a woman he's interested in, it's a complete rejection of him as a man. She'll happily borrow his money and get him to kill spiders and fix her car and put pictures up in her house and all the rest. And some men will do this in the vain but usually unspoken hope that she'll see him as a good man, a man worthy of getting to know better.
There's actually a term for this: It's called the "covert contract," because the man has an expectation that by doing these things, she'll somehow repay him by seeing him as a man instead of just a handyman/spider killer/cook/whatever.
She gets all the benefits, he gets... nada. Zip. Bupkus.
So it's not that she just won't "put out." It's that she doesn't recognize him as a man.
For the record, I was KING of "covert contracts" in my younger days and was always the one getting friend-zoned. But now that I'm clear about my intentions when I meet someone I'm interested in, my success rate has shot through the roof. Sure, it's not 100% - what is? - but it's a far, far cry from the simpering fool that always tried to win women's favour by doing stuff rather than just being a man.
Excellent- and thank you!
You make so much sense!
How-ever Anon- you are the exception to the rule from what I have seen/read of you here.
You are not the 'typical' guy--- come on I am trying to get a debate going- can you help me out here?
There is no fun left at the Globe and Mail so I am trying my best to fill the void left by the articles on the old globe and mail------ so lonely here with no good gibbitizing---!
Can you pass my blog on to folks who may want rant, rave, vent and gibbitz?
First of all, let me say we all know what men want, so why all the complaining? Nobody complained about this until the 70's when a group of, shall we say, frustrated women, suffering from some degree of penis envy created the feminist movement. When everyone accepts the fact that yes, we men are looking for sex, everyone will be happier. I dare say that there are quite a number of women who would be much happier if they quit playing games with men and just had more orgasms. Gaddafi said the Arab world treats women like furniture, most of us wouldn't go that far, we like it when you move! Get with it girls, life should be enjoyed!
Okay- so what then is the problem?
Women want certain men only as friends- that means the 'friends' do not win, do not pass go- do not collect a notch- simple.
This is hurting only his male ego- and has nothing to do with the girl- there are others he can get 'notched' by.
Then the girls that do put out- recognize the value of their 'product' and offer it for the fair market price considering the value or status their particlar product has in the open market....
make sense
Some folks cannot afford the luxury brands and have to go for the value added products- same with women.
So guys- if your friend listed- you simply do not have the 'goods' the woman wants in order to provide her 'goods'. Does not mean you cannot still window shop.
Anon- does that clear it up?
I want to move on to some politics and financial issues- this is getting soooo boring.
Guys get over it- if the chick don't want to 'do you', find another one.
Dump the 'friend' if you can't handle the situation- or keep the friend knowing you are looking at a 'product' that at this point in time you do not have the 'means' to rent, lease, borrow or buy'.
AHhh- good- now I can sit down and write on some of this good stuff about Yellow Pages, Trader, Iris Evans.......
There are at least two "anon's" here.
I wrote the first one about the "covert contract," but not the second one.
Someday I'll create myself a new Google account so my stuff can be distinguished from others. (Remember Theo zito? That's me!)
As an aside, and maybe fodder for a future topic, how about something like, "Financial Security Over 50" for folks who are in mid-life and either find themselves out-sourced or having to take pay cuts due to the chilly economic climate.
(I agree... this gender-relationship-drama stuff is growing old.)
Yup Theo- I sure do remember you- and you can just log on as Anon- and then leave your name---
Yes, your concept sounds very good- so let's get on that!
(I am suffering with a very bad cold right now- maybe a bronchial infection-so kinda high on Contact C and lazy!) but will get that up in the next day or two- plus some other great ideas on politics and finances!
Thanks for your idea!
Anon, hmmmpf!
Why do you think women were frustrated?
They wanted the chance to have careers- that is why.
As for this silly Freudian concept of 'penis envy'--- please why would any woman have that?
We would then be stuck with the one we were born with- and being women we can choose which one we want.....
As some men like say- "Why take a sandwich to a buffet"
Jeez- we don't want a penis- well most of us dont want one attached to our body.
We get so much better shoes than you guys do!
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