Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What are we saving and working for?

In this fast paced world- and with the decline of our 'investments' (those of you that have them)... we suddenly have been faced with the concept "I am not worth as much as I was".
What really does this mean? Does it mean suddenly you are not 'worth as much as your neighbour'?

Does our worth as people really mean that we only worth as much as we have money?
We have all heard the saying "He is the riched man in the graveyard'. Okay so what?

I think we all want to enjoy the security of knowing we will eat, have a roof over our heads and leave something(s) to our heirs.

How-ever, how much do our heirs need?

This is different for everyone and based on the needs of the hiers.

Obviously, if we have young children they are going to need more 'means' left to them to assist them or their guardians in the care of them (in the style we want them to have) for more years than if the heirs are adults.

Again, this is different for everyone. Someone like myself with a child that has suffered incredible odds to only now have a chance in life-- I want to be able alive or dead- be able to still help him become an achieving self supporting adult. For me that means insuring he has an education... and hopefully one he does not have to pay for the rest of his life.

For others, why are you saving everything. I can tell you from experience once you hit a certain age your million dollar mansions will not be places you will be able to live in.
Having enough money for a new Benz will not entice you.

Living life- experiencing life, traveling, these things are only available to our aging bodies for a short period of time. Once you become old, ill and infirm you will not want to leave your home or your 'old age suite'.

So balance- live some, eat the best chocolate ( sorry there I go again)....... travel. The kids do not need it all--- and if you save too much-- you will miss the chance!

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