Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sensitive men- or overly sensitive men?

Recently, I have had the displeasure to run into a few men that seem to not understand the meaning of sensitive.
Sensitive, is to be in tune and understanding your and others feelings.
It seems though that some men have taken this to the highest degree of emotional maintenance- yikes high maintenance women are bad enough!
Men that are so sensitive it is like walking on eggshells around a woman with PMS- except it is all the time!
Men that read way too much into simple comments, cannot take a joke- or simple ribbing!
Gentlemen, if you have emotional problems- see a shrink, take meds- hang out by yourself -- do not impose your moody, neurotic self on the rest of us and think you are being 'sensitive'. You are not- you are being rude, selfish and frankly acting like a 'girl'..... and we can't stand girls that are neurotic!
I have no idea if this is a new thing that develops with age- if so forget my last column regarding thinking of getting married after 50-- if there is a drama queen in my relationship it better be me ( for the record I am sick of drama anywhere but the stage, screen and printed word- not in my life or my relationship).
Does anyone have any idea what is happening to some men?
My brother some of his friends and I sat around Saturday night trying to figure out where the 'men' have gone to and why so many men are turning into 'whimps"...... This was me with 5, 45-52 year old men wondering this question--- they have noticed this too!
Men put your big boy shorts back on and act like men!


Mr. Vice said...

we're a geheration of men raised by women

the media, and really society as a whole lately, has told us time and time again, that anything noted as MALE is bad. Aggresion, taking charge of situations, being galant... anything that made men MEN back in the day.

Chanel said...

AH, very good point! I think you have hit the nail on the head! Most men I know-where indeed raised in single households with only mom's present.
Your point also hit home as mother of a son, in school of course the teachers wanted him to sit still and behaviour that was considered "good" was actions more inline with girls.
Gosh when I was a kid, boys played, teased each other and girls, sometimes had fights during recess-- and it was all chalked up to 'boys being boys'.
I had to have this discussion with a few teachers- as I had a boy- BOY!
Thanks so much for the insite!